Monday, January 5, 2015

Still a long, long time ago...

Think of this a a continuation of my last post. Instead of reptiles or amphibians, however, I have what is thoroughly a mammal. He is some kind of hominid. With a monocle. And also a crooked grin. Can't you imagine what he's thinking? I know I can't.

Oh yes, and he has a funny haircut. Have you ever thought about giving an ape a haircut? Maybe a goatee or some wicked sideburns? Perhaps if their skin was a different shade? Do you think you could ever do one up so that he would pass as something more than an animal? 

I remember being at the zoo and up very close to a gorilla. I concentrated on his ear – which looked an awful lot like mine. Then I looked into his eyes and saw something that was... unhappy. It wasn't two or three seconds later that he slammed his fist against the glass and ran off. It was a profoundly unsettling encounter for me and even though it was 12 or more years ago, I have never forgotten it. So I don't think a monocle and a haircut are too far off the mark for our un-human hominid friends.

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