These are drawings that I have been doing with my grammar school kids since I started teaching art. I usually do them as an ice breaker or when I have no idea what else to do! I didn't come up with the idea; a friend of mine said he remembered an old local show from when he grew up in Mississippi (?) and a guy named Uncle Bunky would do these crazy drawings. The gag is I write "head, body, arms, legs, tail, wings, horns" on the overhead and then get the kids to start listing animals. Then we draw whatever they have come up with. Sometimes it gets a little goofy, like when they said "goldfish" for arms; instead of drawing fins for the arms, I decided to make the arms out of goldfish. The kids absolutely love it and I get requests throughout the year to do more drawings like these.
Keep in mind that these aren't super complicated drawings because I only have about 45 minutes to get 3rd - 6th graders to draw these. I am always surprised at how hard the kids work on these - they are usually very successful drawings!
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