St. Luke is the patron saint of artists. You'll often see him in paintings making a drawing or painting of the Virgin and Child. As my lovely wife reminded me, when I started my first home studio it was on the top floor of our house - the attic.
This blog is update twice weekly on Mondays and Thursdays.
You can contact me at:
Matthew [at] DrawingMatthewClark [dot] com
These don't really go together, but I like the way they seem to have some kind of quasi-relationship on the page, especially with the stark white background and the way the deer's neck lines up with the woman's collar.
Our church was originally a Christian Science church. Some of the accoutrements of that building have remained and been adopted by us. Among them are the Corinthian columns at the front of the sanctuary. I used to hate them, but I have since read of the possibility of them being symbols of resurrection. Anyway, I put Corinthian capitals on our pastor and a guest preacher. Pencil and watercolor pencil.
Have I mentioned the great pelycosaurs? The mighty synapsids? This is the Blessing of Dimetrodon! The mighty angels sing for joy at the approval of the great dimetrodon!
Again with the arthropods. This is a drawing of a shed "skin" of a small horseshoe crab. These Moleskines just do not accept wet media; I nearly went mad trying to lay in those brown washes. I know there are Moleskines specifically designed for watercolor, but I think after this book, I'm going back to hand made. Pitt and micron pens, watercolor pencil, brown and white ink.
This illustration was a pain in the neck, but I am so glad I did it. I love the Comedy (all three of the books) and I was thrilled to get the opportunity to map out Inferno. The chart for Paradiso is a little outside of the norm for me, but I enjoyed making it as well.
So I don't normally show these drawings to the folks I draw. The few times I have shown them to the people I have drawn, they have been either totally nonplussed or outright upset that I would draw them. So, as I have almost no fear that these will be seen by any of the "models" (because very few people actually see this site), I post here freely.
Again with the crustaceans and dinosauria! This is a cheliped from a crawdad and drawing of a plastic Tyrannosaurus rex that adorns a shelf in my studio. The claw is done in pencil, watercolor pencil and white ink.